
For the very best in Village Hall Cinema

Eynsham Village Hall Cinema

When you come to the cinema you will be greeted by the friendly face of Tim Jordan who looks after the box office ably assisted on this occasion by Harper Richards.

Eynsham Cinema is based at EynshamVillage Hall, 46 Back Lane, Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX29 4QW

Films are shown on a regular basis typically once a month.

Ticket price is £5.00 and can be purchased in advance from the nice people at Evenlode D.I.Y.

NOTE:  TheFilm The Critic  is being shown  on 24th January a week earlier than our usual "last Friday" in the Month" slot

NOTE:  The 2024 Eynsham Carnival Shilrt Race Newsreel is ready to be seen, just goto  CatFlap Newsreel page and  click on Shirt Race Newsreel.

NOTE:   The Refurbishment of the Church Bells Newsreel part 1 is avaiable to be seen....just click on  the Catflap Newsreel page.

For the very best in Village Hall Cinema